Thursday 26 July 2012

Hello World :P

Hi, I'm Dayah, and I'm a Games Maker :)

I'm a volunteer for the London Paralympics 2012, and I'm part of a 70000-strong team of Games Makers who will be spending our time and money to be part of the greatest show on Earth :)

I've been contemplating about starting this blog for a while now, seeing how other fellow GMs have made their own for quite some time. Yet I've always thought against it because I didn't feel like there were enough happenings to warrant a blog.

Now that the Olympics is TOMORROW (well, the Opening Ceremony anyway, I know football's already started!) I can't help but start writing away. There's so much that's happened in the last few weeks, now I'm regretting I didn't start earlier!

The other reason why I wanna write is because I'm so full of pumped up energy and excitement about the Olympics and being a GM that I've probably exhausted my resources of people willing to listen to me gush about it. Especially since the majority of people around me don't like having the Olympics in London :P

Since I've now left it a bit late, I'll have to narrate my journey with a mix of things happening in the present with things that have happened in the past. I hope that'll make sense!

First and foremost, an overview of what's happened so far:

Early 2010 - Signed up to a newsletter to express my interest to become a Games Maker.
Sept 2010 - Submitted my application to become a Games Maker.
Apr 2011 - Applied for Olympic tickets via the ballot system.
Jun 2011 - Got Badminton men's final tickets - woohoo!
Jan 2012 - Got interviewed at ExCeL for my Games Maker role.
Feb 2012 - Offered a role for Paralympics - woohoo!!
Mar 2012 - Attended Role Specific Training at Hackney
Apr 2012 - Received my shifts for duty
Jul 2012 - Attended the Opening Ceremony technical rehearsal as part of a Games Maker thank you - woohoo!!!

Sooooo.. lots *has* happened, and I'll most likely talk about one or two of those events, but for now, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE OLYMPICS TO START!


  1. Why didn't you blog earlier? You've listed at least 8 things you could have blogged about!

    Also, did they really interview everyone? If there's 70,000 games makers, they must have interviewed more than that. That's a mega ton of people. That's probably more people than go through X-Factor!

    1. LOL, all 8 things were spread out over 2 years! That's a bloody boring blog to be following!!

      I don't know if they interviewed everyone. It seemed like whoever they invited for the interview was likely to get the job, but I'm quite sure they would've had some more on top just for contingencies.
